Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Why none of this is working out for them...they tell on themselves...

As for previous blogs, facebook postings, slander and rumor Here are some interesting facts to present with dates posted and how none of this adds up if you look at it from a logical standpoint. In the beginning there were seemingly disturbing photos posted on facebook that were intended to get people in the animal rescue community in an uproar and they did a pretty good job. They were pictures of Caylee who was in mental shutdown and was in desperate need of a foster that we begged and pleaded for all over facebook, and guess who came to her rescue? That's right, the people that would truly exploit her for financial gain and overall recognition by posting such photos to misrepresent our rescue and promote their own.
     I guess after they saw the attention that Caylee brought they heard bells going off and cash registers chiming so they began to come out to our rescue to "help us place dogs" but they were only taking pics of the least healthy dogs and dogs recovering from illness that I saw nothing wrong with at the time but now I know why. Dogs like Dara shortly after her arrival here...They implied that this was the condition of most of the dogs here when in fcat it was not. Then after our surrendering 25 dogs to our local Animal Services for use in their transfer and adoption programs, Dara was pulled by these same people Terri Randall and Sheila Baumberger and she went into foster at Terri's. This is a photo of Dara the day they transfered her out of Animal Services...look like the same dog or one in alot better shape than when she arrived at our rescue?
Nearly two weeks after this picture was taken, Dara allegedly had to be rushed to the vet for accute anemia caused by parasite infestation. Note the dates on these photos. Doesn't look even unhappy to me!

There were several other dogs that were helped into adoption and/or foster that never got mention in there smear blog devoted to slandering us. Notice the pics and these dogs' conditions and appearences of which a few were "said" to be ill or suffering from something or other but no photos were ever provided nor veterinary records to confirm:

These dogs were Purdy, Fancy (Gi Gi), Lucky, & Pixie.
Great Photo opps huh? The truth is, if they were so concerned for the welfare of any of these dogs and were truly fearful of genuine illness or disease they would have went directly to a vet rather than going into foster where two weeks later (in Dara's case) creating the necessity for emergency medical intervention rather than posing for dozens of pics as well. What we read on facebook was Dara is so sick, Caylee is so sick, Pixie is so sick and so on but we never read anywhere that any of them actually saw a vet. We also heard that many of the dogs signed over to MCAS were infested with parasites, diseased, malnurished and shells of their former selves. But let me ask the logical readers of this, if that were true don't you think that is more than justification or probable cause for formal criminal charges of neglect and abuse to be filed? Of course it would have been, but the fact that it was trumped up and fabricated by these women to create histaria and hate is the actuality of it, in fact 3-formal investigations were conducted and determined unfounded & no charges filed. After that failed them they turned to other local agencies to "find something to report" but those complaints also fell short of provable. So they then began to redistribute the exact same photos using side by side graphics trying to insinuate dramatic changes in dogs' conditions and the only people this seemed to impress were their facebook fan bases...NOT any legal agencies they complained to, because again, it was fabricated. So they then attacked our children and our personal lives accusing us of child neglect, abuse and drug use and after (4) formal investigation by Child protective Services, drug tests and interogations of both us and our children, inspection of our living conditions and overall care for our children, guess what the outcomes were? If you guessed UNFOUNDED you are correct!

Then there was this photo, of a dog I personally have never seen and tried to depict as this dog:

adopted to a family in Key West Fl. Pretty. Again, I ask the logical readers what actually transpired at our rescue? Did we neglect dogs? According to investigational and enforcement agencies, no! Did we neglect or abuse our children? Again, according to investigational and enforcement gaencies, no! Do we use drugs? According to drug tests performed by law enforcement at our home, no! This is all the creation of a few crafty women that need to draw attention to themselves and feel like heros in the animal rescue community
in order to feel important, accepted or for whatever reasons. And, because an actual small number of dogs out of approximately 90 or so that had bad transition phases or were recovering from illnesses, these women have directly crushed the chances of ANY remaining dog here from ever being adopted or re-rescued with implications of illness, abuse, neglect and the insinuation that anyone wishing to adopt or rescue will be getting not only a dog but a healthy vet bill if they do. They swear by "exposing the truth" when they have failed to do so time and again MISERABLY! As a result of THEIR failure to expose anything, they have now resorted to name calling, photo-shopping and outright slander as a means of redemption and again they are failing. As a result of their actions our rescue is failing in a big way and in the end the only real victims will be the dogs these women swear by advocating. So, again I ask the logical readers to ask THEM for proof of their allegations beyond a potentially "doctored" photo, ask them for court documents, investigative reports, investigation conclusionary statements by conducting officers, agencies, and media outlets as well. I guarantee they won't be able to produce, short of attacking you for "being a supporter". They are all liars as I have stated from day-1 and the truth is coming out little by little and believe it or not THEY are the ones supplying the truth with their own so called evidence and documentations.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Animal Advocate Reporting FACT not inuendo & rumor

Oh, my God! They got me! I'm busted! I am now fully exposed and vulnerable....what will I do?! Oh! I know I'll just tell the truth with minimal personal attack. This is in response to a blog created by
"individual(s)" claiming to be advocates for animals but that are clearly experts at attacking humans by stating little truth or fact. The basis of their blog is to personally attack a person's physical appearence, how they live, their financial capabilities & how that person simply disagrees with what they say and automatically makes them wrong.....They love one-sided arguments, presenting partial evidence just good enough to "appear" to back their inuendo, rumor and slander. It's really depressing to think that someone that claims animal advocacy would waste so much time drawing up elaborate blogs, doctoring photos for personal entertainment and attacking people about the way they look when so many animals are out there waiting for that energy to save their lives.....really sad!

I founded and own B.U.D.D.I.E.S. Rescue Inc. a registered not for profit corporation in Fl. a Dog Rescue, Rehab & Training, & Adoption Center located in Myakka City about an hour and a half south of Tampa. Several mos back I posted some pics of a dog in our care that was basically in mental shut down and physically deteriorating in an effort to plea for a foster to step up and give the poor girl a change of environment that upset some people that saw her condition on facebook and they began asking me for photos of other dogs in my care so they could reference to make sure this was indeed an isolated situation and of unique circumstance and I happily agreed to take medical like photos of every dog on our property proving that there were no digs underfed, malnurished or being neglected in any way. Of course there were a few that would pose argument and say this dog or that dog could use a little weight here or there and in some cases I agreed and others argued it was a matter of personal preference and I am used to being surrounded by dogs of the "working" groups and I personally prefer an athletic dog not a dog with high percentage body fat, compiled with the fact that our dogs are allowed more than ample exercise daily and most are active personality dogs some even bordering on hyper-active. As a result of the disagreement "on facebook" some people chose the photos weren't good enough and decided to phone my local authorities and complain of alleged abuse and possible neglect of our dogs and our Animal Services responded to investigate the complaints. The results of their investigations were "UNFOUNDED" they did not see signs of neglect, abuse, malnurished or underfed dogs, they saw happy healthy dogs running the property and some in kennels (for safety purposes). The headhunters on facebook were informed of the findings and guess what? They weren't good enough still, so several people employed themselves as spies to come out under the guise of being volunteers I guess to see for themselves. This charade lasted the better part of a year and they helped place a few dogs here & there but nothing to really brag about and then abruptly stopped. What would follow would be several more visits by our Animal Control under complaints of the same allegations and the results were still the same...."UNFOUNDED". This created an email flury that inundated other local agencies when AC's findings proved unsatisfactory to these "advocates' " agendas the agencies included Health Dept, Dept. of Public Safety, Child Protective Services, and even a few Dept. Heads and atleast one county comissioner. After being investigated by all these agencies and the results time and again coming back "UNFOUNDED"  guess what??? STILL NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!!  These ladies (and I use the term loosely) wanted justice and they wanted it NOW! As a result of so much pressure being put on Animal Services and county commisioners, Animal Services was told to come out once again but this time..."Find something wrong, so these lunatics will shut up!" And they did, what we had was a system of allowing dogs to sleep indoors at night and bringing them to outside kennels during the day and having periodic play groups allowing the dogs exercise, socialization etc, and some of the kennels did not have dog houses in them that way down deep in an ordinance says one must be provided for every dog in a kennel, caged area, tethered or that does not have open access to an indoor facility to escape the elements and we were cited for 43 violations of "Failure to provide proper shelter" some of our paperwork was a little less than savory as well and we could not produce 21 certificates of rabies vaccinations that we were also cited for. Within 7-days of the citations we built 35 dog houses, located 7 of the missing certs for rabies and redone 14 to become completely compliant with the infractions. Upon reinspection after the seven days we were no longer in violation of any ordinances or county laws once it was brought to our attention. In fact when we went to court 2/3 of the citations were dismissed and the other 1/3 retained for county record and adjudication of guilt withheld and we were ordered to pay $1500 in fines, court costs & clerks' fees. The previously mentioned county comissioner made her county court debut just to observe our case and was allowed to speak in saying she was happy that we were compliant. BUT...guess what? STILL NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR THE FACEBOOK HEADHUNTERS!!! They have now started accusing me of stealing donations to buy unnecessary items and negelecting the dog, abusing my fiance & children. They have spent countless hours doctoring photos, writing outright lies and posting this trash all over the internet that will allow them to.
     The facts of this case are as follows:
Accused of neglect....CLEARED
Accused of abuse......CLEARED
Accused of child neglect....CLEARED
Accused of domestic abuse....CLEARED
Accused of drug use...CLEARED
Accused of code violations...COMPLYING
Accused of fraud....STILL TO BE PROVEN
Accused of scamming....UNPROVEN
And the best for last, Accused of exploiting animals for financial gain......YEAH RIGHT!!!

     The facts of the matter are this, I did some things that upset some people that were in disagreement with me they have exhausted every legal avenue to get redemption for difference of personal opinion and as a result of their failure to change laws to suit their opinions and emotions they have turned to outright slander, name calling and harassment to seek justification for my supposed bad actions. They told mom & dad and THEY got in trouble and now they're pissed. These people are not advocates of any sort, in fact they are all self servents with self-gratifying agendas and nothing more, the internet has made them feel superior to others because they have the option to simply "delete" consequences for their actions and have lost touch with the real world where people have to work to eat and have to work even harder when they choose to take on the obligations of mouths of others' to feed.
     It's amazing how I summed up the FACTS in just ONE blog not a 7-8 part series with more to come, that alone should speak volumes.....

In addition to their so called advocacy blog or bogg, they are posting updates as in dogs being rescued from BUDDIES as if it had something to do with their actions or silly blog, when in FACT it was the networking skills of BUDDIES Rescue Volunteers as with every adoption/rescue since the onset of this idiotic escapade. Lilly is being placed thanks to volunteer staff and the hard work of our adoptions coordinator and her pending adopter's interest and nothing else.
These women are perverted versions of what real advocates should be even adding pornographic images to facebook pages, depicting beasiality, cunnilingus and masterbation...these women are sick, twisted and need to be black-balled from the rescue community as they are doing more harm than good.

Keith Wandell
Founder & President
B.U.D.D.I.E.S. Rescue Inc.